Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Little Humor Never Hurt Anyone...

Okay, several friends have written me on email commenting on my blog but no one writes on the blog site under comments, and what I've heard from people is....whew, this is could use a little here is the challenge...

For those of you who know how to post a comment I'd like to hear your best funny caregiving story EVER...I will sleep on it and post mine soon...ah, the suspense! Please, someone WRITE:)
(and, on a personal note, to my friend, "Retoite" you better write soon).


  1. I am offering you a "Dial-a-wallow". When you are worried and can't get out of a bad mood, call me and I will allow you time for wallowing. It is an allotted amount of uninterrupted time! You will get support and no criticism or advice. You will say thank you and we can hang up. No guilt. Just a friendly ear. Love you! Patty :)

    ** this is not a caregiving story but something Jon gave me on staying positive in a negative world. You think he thought I might need this? Crazy man.

  2. So so cool. I will take you up on that one :)
