Saturday, September 15, 2012

How Healthy are You?

Do you define yourself strongly by one thing or another? If you define yourself in terms of your health, do you focus too strongly on what’s not right with you and fail to see all the strong, healthy systems in your own body?

I’m talking about how we see ourselves: failing or thriving, fit or weak, capable or incapable; and what labels we use for ourselves: I’m a diabetic, a TBI survivor, an asthmatic. One of the qualities I have come to admire most about my husband is his refusal to be defined by his TBI.  He sees it as something that happened, he dealt with it, and it’s over. He doesn’t make it who he is. He doesn’t blame every problem he has on it, and he never really brings it up.

Instead he tackles whatever is before him, gets his work done as well and as quickly as possible, and then he works in as much fun as he can—such a great way to live life to one’s potential.