Thursday, January 22, 2009


It's 12:41 a.m. and I've been tossing and turning...not sleeping is the hallmark of a caregiver. I know many non-sleepers who share this trait:all day they function quite well (With the exception of those very first "gotta get up NOW?" moments) but at night, when it's dark and quiet, troubling thoughts come marching through like a parade complete with trombones and trumpets. I've tried just about every remedy including ear plugs in a quiet house, and sitting right in front of me on my desk is my empty cereal bowl (maybe the milk will help). I have relaxation tapes, I read in bed, and make my husband rub my back (Sound familiar sibs?). It's all to no avail. The upside of this is that I have a deep appreciation for a good night's sleep. I treasure it like an unexpected gift and even now, I'm thinking, maybe tomorrow I'll get one :)
When my children were babies, I sang to them...the song from Mary Poppins: "Stay awake, don't rest your head. Don't lie down upon your bed. As the moon drifts in the sky. Stay awake, don't close your eyes. Though the world is fast asleep. Though your pillow's soft and deep. Your're not sleepy as you seem. Stay awake, don't nod and dream..." They loved that song. I never knew I'd be living the lyrics. Good night all. Sleep tight.

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