Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Caregiving around the Holidays

Here are a few tips for making the season bright even when you are more than overwhelmed with life minus the bustle of the holidays season.

First, breathe, and remember the spiritual event that sparked the holiday you celebrate. This will ground you as you create a plan that works for everyone, including yourself!

Keep meals and gifts simple but festive. Focus on crafts, activities, holiday music, movies, and spending time together. You might try reading short holiday stories aloud to your loved one, or listening to a book on tape together for an hour a day.

Involve your loved one in decorating and remember past holidays together.

Carry on an old tradition or start a new one. Set a small formal table in the bedroom with an electric candle. Who says dinner has to be in a dining room.

Be flexible. The less you worry about superficial things like gifts, perfect dinners, or a spotless house, the more fun you will experience.

Focus on loving the person in your care. This is a special time of year, one of reflection, and sometimes of great pain or personal loss. But remember, it's true, that in giving, you receive. And we all have the capability of giving a kind word, a soft touch, and a heartfelt smile. So open your arms and let it all in--the great meaning of the season, and feel blessed, no matter what your circumstances.

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