Friday, August 10, 2012

TBI Caregiving as an Olympic Sport

If TBI caregiving were considered an Olympic sport, what category might it fall under: a competition? A sprint? A marathon? A team effort?  What qualities would a caregiver need to successfully meet the challenge? Vision, persistence, focus, and endurance would be key, along with the ability to refine techniques, and try over and over and over again until you get the right results.
I’ve met many Olympian caregivers who never give up, who inspire us to try harder, and who encourage others through their own example. While there are no gold medals for these events in life, they make us stronger, more resilient, and able to face life challenges head on or support others meeting a new challenge. So as we caregivers witness athletes poised on podiums with tears of overwhelming gratitude for having attained a personal best, we can smile inwardly and know we have also given our all in a way that has made a difference.

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