Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Working Together

Who would have thought, nearly ten years ago, as Hugh slept comatose in the ICU, that  one day we would stand in front of a graduate class of 44 occupational therapy students talking about our experience with traumatic brain injury. This morning, at the request of an OT Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, we found ourselves at the podium remembering, sharing stories, and even joking with a group of medical students ready to launch a career helping survivors of open and closed head brain injuries.

When Hugh completed his talk by saying,"...and now we'll take your questions. And I want you to understand, we will answer ANY matter how down and dirty." The group broke out in laughter.

Question: "Hugh, did you ever feel upset at your wife because she could do things and you couldn't?" Pointing to me, he said, "Oh, you mean that control freak? Yes, of course!" I had to nod in agreement, while trying not to turn red in the face. I always was a control freak, a trait that swelled by the day after Hugh's injury. "That's natural," he added. "But Rosemary was good natured. She essentially brought up three adolescents after my injury"(more laughter).

As much as the writing of Learning by Accident was my therapy, the publishing of this book has bonded me with Hugh in a way that might never have happened, and provided us with meaningful work we can perform together. It's a testament to opening yourself up to the world, and being who you are. Ask yourself the down and dirty questions you really want to know--stop hiding and find your answers. They are there if you look hard enough.

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