Sunday, March 11, 2012


Spring reminds us that no matter how long and hard the winter, new growth emerges.

In Virginia, our winter has been unseasonably mild and sunny, but it's still a thrill to see the Bradford Pears and Crabapple trees budding, and to be surprised by bright yellow patches of daffodils. Our attraction to and appreciation of flowers is a universal gift. Flowers make us breathe deep, they make us smile.

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. The new campaign, "Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone" is in full swing.

Caregivers of loved ones with newly acquired brain injuries will be far too busy and preoccupied to stop and smell the flowers. Life stops for them for a long period of time, as they adjust to a new rhythm and reality.

Let's be caregivers of caregivers! Give a flower to a caregiver you love this month, and watch the smiles bloom.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful idea! It is difficult (at least for me) to remember sometimes, that while one caregiver's journey may be at a point where they can "stop and smell the roses", another is fully consumed. There is no schedule, and just the recognition of that can mean so much!
