Thursday, July 28, 2011

Learning by Accident is Officially Published!

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At long last, my book is on sale! What a feeling!
Learning by Accident is available for sale at, Amazon, and in Kindle form.

I'm now busy working on announcements and booking signing events, as I hold my breath to see how the book will be received by the larger public. I often call myself a storyteller rather than a writer. I don't have an MFA, and I have not dedicated my whole life to writing, yet writing is a part of my daily joy. Any writing: a poem, essay, email, greeting card, Facebook post or note to a friend--each one is equally as gratifying and meaningful to me.
And I believe that if I demonstrate any talent at all as a writer, it is because I have read so many wonderful books by incredible authors. There is an abundance of jaw-dropping talent in the form of the written word. I'm just so happy to be a small drop in the ocean of the writing world. Here I go...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Paying it Forward

In recognition of my loving family and wonderful friends who helped me when I was in need, I am donating 5% of the first year’s profits of Learning by Accident to my neighbor and friend, Dan Duggins. Dan suffered a severe stroke that left him locked in, unable to move or speak, but alert and vibrant inside with no way out. For over a year now, Dan has only been able to communicate with his eyes. His parents have selflessly tended to his every need. Before his stroke, Dan was the drummer for three bands: Hot Rod Circuit, Queen Killing Kings, and Zigmat. He is a handsome and talented rock star who is fighting to regain his active life in music.

It is my sincere hope that this donation will provide the means for Dan to continue his rehabilitation since he had no insurance when he was struck by this devastating brain injury. You can learn more about how to help Dan at the Dan Duggins Trust on Facebook. If you do not have the means to donate financially, your positive thoughts and prayers are equally as meaningful and much appreciated.